California Traffic Ticket Fines

California Traffic Ticket Fines – CA Traffic Ticket Bail Amounts

Listed below are some common California traffic ticket fine amounts, also known as bail amounts.  California traffic fines vary depending on the type of violation from small fine amounts that are a little over $100 to thousands of dollars for more serious charges.  The most common CA traffic ticket fines our clients are charged with are speeding ticket fines and red light camera traffic ticket fines, however we are able to beat most tickets which means that the CA traffic fine will be returned to the client within approximately 2 weeks after receiving the winning verdict.


If We Don’t Win, You Don’t Pay


Effective 1/6/2011


Fine Amount

VC 12814.6 Failure to obey license provisions. $214
VC 14600(A) Failure to notify DMV of address change within 10 days Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction. $214
VC 16028(A) Failure to provide evidence of financial responsibility (insurance). Note: This fine may be reduced with proof of insurance before or on the violation date. $796
VC 21453(A) Failure to stop at a red signal. $436
VC 22349 Unsafe speed, 1 to 15 miles over the limit. $214
VC 22350 Unsafe speed, 16 to 25 miles over the limit. $328
VC 22450 Failure to stop at a stop sign. $214
VC 22454(A) Passing a school bus with flashing red signals. $616
VC 23123(A) Driving while using a wireless phone not hands free, first offense. $148
VC 23123(B) Driving while using a wireless phone not hands free, each subsequent offense. $256
VC 23123.5 Driving while using a wireless device to send, read or write text. $148
VC 23124 Minor driving while using a wireless phone. $148
VC 22500 Parking in a bus loading area. $976
VC 22507(A) Violation of disabled parking provisions, first offense. $976
VC 22507(B) Violation of disabled parking provisions, second offense. $1,876
VC 26708 Unlawful material on vehicle windows. $178
VC 27150 Adequate muffler required. $178
VC 27315 Mandatory use of seat belts. $148
VC 27360 Mandatory use of passenger child restraints. Note: This fine may be reduced by completing a court authorized child seat diversion program. $436
VC 27400 Headsets or Earplugs covering both ears. $178
VC 27803 Violation of motorcycle safety helmet requirements. $178
VC 34506 Commercial Driver – Log book violation. $616
VC 4000 No evidence of current registration. Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction. $256
VC 4159 Notify DMV of change of address within 10 days. Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction. $178
VC 5200 Proper display of license plates. Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction. $178
VC 9400 Commercial weight fees due. $178